
What it feels like to be the Future Entrepreneur of the Year

The holder of the 2022 Future Entrepreneur of the Year title is Asia Sylvester from Trinidad and Tobago.

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Top tips for stress management

When you are studying and preparing for assessments the pressure is on. Here's a handy checklist to help you cope when life is stressful.

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Writing to enhance your professional reputation

Linda Wilkin, ABE’s Marketing Director, shares tips to help you polish your prose to perfection and enhance your professional reputation.

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Meeting the ABE community in Mauritius

ABE's Africa Director, Kereesa Carrington-Nunez kicked off a regional tour by visiting Mauritius.  Here she spent time with many ABE centre partners.

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A simple but effective guide to writing a perfect assignment

The idea of writing assignments can be daunting; feeling under pressure. Remember it does not have to be like this...

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Great exam results, now what about the certificate?

Success!   You have achieved your ABE Diploma.  All you need now is your certificate.   This is what happens after results

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Are conventional exams a thing of the past?

The history behind conventional exams and why ABE's open book exams are better aligned to developing the critical reasoning skills required in the modern world.

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The award-winning guide to study

Over the years, ABE has interviewed hundreds of Top Paper Award winners* who have shared some brilliant study tips and techniques.

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Why 'regulated qualifications' offer greater benefits

This blog highlights the key differences between regulated and unregulated qualifications.  In the UK, the qualification regulator for England is Ofqual. 

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The ABE Way: an HR perspective

The ABE Way encompasses our mission, values and culture. 

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Tips to boost your productivity

Top Paper winner, Selveena Parmanum shares some tools and techniques to help you stay in control and on top of your studies (and life in general).

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Your guide to perfect presentations

Whether face-to-face or via an online meeting platform, presentations are increasingly demanded as part of the selection process for jobs and promo

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