ABE Ambassador shares her leadership legacy
As part of IoL’s International Leadership Week, one of our ABE Ambassadors, Selveena Parmanum shares her leadership legacy.
As part of IoL’s International Leadership Week, one of our ABE Ambassadors, Selveena Parmanum shares her leadership legacy.
Business owner Ariana has written a blog about the importance of leadership skills to become a successful entrepreneur. Please note that the blog post is entirely in Ariana's own words and reflects her experience as an entrepreneur and leader.
Rob May shares how the policy recommendations from the report can help all governments compete for global talent to encourage economic growth through innovation.
We have a robust system of examiner recruitment, training, marking, quality checking and catching any cheats. Here's how we go about it:
When you are studying and preparing for assessments the pressure is on. Here's a handy checklist to help you cope when life is stressful.
ABE's Africa Director, Kereesa Carrington-Nunez kicked off a regional tour by visiting Mauritius. Here she spent time with many ABE centre partners.
Success! You have achieved your ABE Diploma. All you need now is your certificate. This is what happens after results
The history behind conventional exams and why ABE's open book exams are better aligned to developing the critical reasoning skills required in the modern world.
This blog highlights the key differences between regulated and unregulated qualifications. In the UK, the qualification regulator for England is Ofqual.
As one of the world’s largest producers of crude oil and with an abundance of gas and mineral resources, Nigeria is Africa’s largest economy with G
Our parent company, The Institute of Leadership (IoL) is offering ABE graduates, from Level 5 upwards, the opportunity to become an Institute Member at a price exclusively for ABE qualification holders. Read more.