Success! You have achieved your ABE Diploma. All you need now is your certificate. This is what happens after results have been published.
First ten days
After publishing results, a period of ten working days is allowed for any Enquiries About Results and Appeals.
The next ten days
We commit to taking no more than 10 working days from receipt of forms to review and process all Appeals.
Once this process is complete we can then start printing certificates. No learners should be disadvantaged which is why we cannot print until any queries, that could hold up someone’s certificate, have been dealt with – we endeavour to complete this process as quickly as possible.
Usually, we can start printing certificates between four and six weeks after the results have been published, but depending on what enquiries we receive it can take longer.
Three months after results
Because of the variances in postage we ask you to allow three months from the issue of results to receive your certificate. But this is the worst case and usually, most people receive their certificate sooner than this. In the unlikely event that after three months your certificate has not arrived please contact us immediately so that we can trace what has happened to it and, if necessary, issue a replacement. We can only issue replacements if we are told of a certificate not arriving between three and six months of the result date, so don’t allow too much time to pass before contacting us.
Each person’s certificate is printed individually according to Ofqual requirements. Because this is a secure process and certificates have built-in features which protect them against fraud, printing certificates for so many people can take time.
We try to post all of each session's qualification certificates together, so that learners, ideally, receive their certificates around the same time. However, postal services between the UK and different countries can vary considerably and, sometimes, even different regions can receive documents at different times.
Whilst waiting: you can right-click and print your results. This means you can use it as printed evidence of your achievement before your certificate arrives.
We look forward to sending your certificate and wish you every success in your future endeavours.
Membership offer from The Institute of Leadership
Our parent company, The Institute of Leadership (IoL) is offering ABE graduates, from Level 5 upwards, the opportunity to become an Institute Member at a price exclusively for ABE qualification holders. Read more.