Mohamedmehdi chose ABE to help him go on to get a degree in finance before working for one of the world's leading accounting firms. He thanks his centre and shares some great tips for success. Here's his story,
"My name is Mohamedmehdi Visram and I am deeply honoured to have achieved a Top Paper Award for the module Managing Stakeholder Relationships. Upon completing my O-Levels, I started off my ABE journey in September 2019 at Emerson Education, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, there are various reasons why I chose ABE, which include:
- Flexibility
- International recognition by employers and top universities
- Affordability
The core reason for choosing ABE was that its flexible university pathway and recognition allowed me to pursue a BSC (Hons) in Accounting and Finance.
The best thing about studying with ABE is that its modules are intense, well-structured, and informative on different aspects of business. These modules are not limited to specific aspects of business, but allow a student to explore and go beyond various business aspects and scenarios. ABE equips its students with relevant skills and attributes that employers in Tanzania look for.
I can say that the public and employers have a good impression of ABE in Tanzania because the qualification trains its students to bring a positive impact on businesses that they would want to work for in the future. The modules offered by ABE not only teaches or guides the individual but allows him/her to explore real-world scenarios, through the broad modules on various subjects. Therefore, many people seek the ABE qualification and it is well-known by employers in Tanzania.
Furthermore, ABE has also polished me with various skills that are required by various employers in today’s market, such as:
- Teamwork
- Communication
- Numerical skills
- Problem-solving and decision-making
- Creativity and innovation
- Project management
After completing ABE Level 5 Diploma in Business Management, I decided to pursue a BSC (Hons) in Accounting and Finance at a UK university. The skills and lessons that ABE taught me, are really helping me throughout the course that I have chosen to do.
Some tips for a successful study that I followed and was also advised by my tutors:
- Self-motivation and determination
- Follow ABE’s study guides for each module
- Research and gather the best information possible for OBE’s or Assignments
- Plan your time effectively
- Form a study group with peers
In the long-term, I’d like to work for one of the BIG 4 accounting firms, specifically Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), but that would take a lot of hard work, time and dedication as its a long process.
Lastly, I’d like to take the opportunity to appreciate all the tutors and the management team at Emerson Education and at ABE as well, who worked hard to support me throughout my ABE journey during the COVID-19 pandemic and after that as well."