Daw Ei Thandar Kyu completed ABE level 4, 5 and 6 in Business Management and Tourism Management and says studying with ABE has benefited her greatly both as an employee and as a business owner. Read her full story below:
''When I finished high school, I had to give up on attending my intended university because I didn't get the grades I expected. At that time, my parents advised me to take a course related to business. After researching business-related courses, I attended the ABE Diploma from MHR in 2009. Attending ABE has given me many benefits for career success. The subjects included in ABE are perfect, so I got a lot of benefits and a lot of help.
I studied all subjects at ABE, which made it easier for me when I pursued my MBA. I did well in all my MBA subjects, earning high grades. Currently, I manage a small business and work as a Senior Business Lecturer. I also teach classes related to business. Being familiar with ABE subjects, I feel confident and comfortable in my role as a lecturer.
ABE offers a variety of subjects and provides valuable advantages for both employers and employees. It is crucial to consider these factors before starting your own business or while working as an employee. From studying with ABE, I was able to contribute to my parents' business and it benefited me when I worked independently.
The courses offered by ABE and the practical teaching approach of the teachers greatly assisted me when I began my career.
The practical lessons and experiences I gained during my studies at ABE Level 4, 5, and 6 have been incredibly valuable to me. They have benefited me greatly both as an employee and as a business owner. Additionally, as a Business Lecturer, I receive excellent support in my role.
During my time at ABE, I received abundant practical teaching and support from the teachers. I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to U Aye Kyaw, U Aung Chit Khin, Daw Thida Han, Daw Htay Htay Myint, Daw Myat Mon Zaw, Daw Thida Myint, Dr. Htet Htet Aung, Dr. Ohn Mar Myint, Aunty Ei and all the teachers and individuals who have been instrumental in my education. I hold them in high esteem and deeply respect their contributions.
Thanks to the ABE community, I have been able to create a strong network of connections.
I have completed my studies in Business Management and Tourism Management at ABE levels 4, 5, and 6. I highly recommend students consider pursuing an ABE Diploma. I want to emphasize that by studying the subjects offered by ABE, students can gain numerous benefits for their future studies and when they start working.''