The culmination of ABE's 50th-anniversary celebrations took place in Trinidad & Tobago on 17 December 2023 and it was a fittingly spectacular event with all ABE centre partners invited and Commendations for Services to Education awarded to the country's numerous outstanding educators.
ABE Director Kereesa Carrington-Nunez, hosted the celebration and told us, "We have come such a long way this year! We have used our 50th as a platform to reconnect with our old partners, attract new partners and see how we are viewed. I am pleased to share that last night in Trinidad under full media coverage of our event ABE was praised in so many ways.
ABE stakeholders spoke of our social impact, of our clear vision, of how ABE has contributed so much to education in our region, of our innovation with entrepreneurship. They praised our leadership. They spoke highly of the responsiveness of the teams at HQ. Today, I celebrated our contribution to pure excellence!"

Membership offer from The Institute of Leadership
Our parent company, The Institute of Leadership (IoL) is offering ABE graduates, from Level 5 upwards, the opportunity to become an Institute Member at a price exclusively for ABE qualification holders. Read more.